
[zoomsounds id="my-cry"]

Song Available on Celebrating Jesus Album


My Cry is a heart felt soul song, that describes how much we need Christ in our daily lives. ‘’That I may know you(Jesus Christ) more and the power of your resurrection (Philippians 3:10A), should be our daily desire and ‘’Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness’’ (Matthew 6:33), should be our priority in life.

My Cry Lyrics :

Intro: hu hu hu, hu hu, hu hu..... Jesus! My heart cry out to you!

This is my cry, my cry to know you more... Oh oh!
This is my cry, my cry to touch your heart.
(Repeat 2times)


Jesus! Lover of my soul, I cry to know you more..... hallelujah!
Jesus! Lover of my soul, I long to touch your heart.... Hallelujah!

Lord! You have promised me that, if I seek you with all my heart... I will find you. Jesus oh! You are all that matters to me.

I can't figure it out on my own, I open my life as a book before you write your will on me.

(write your will on me oh Lord!)

(Repeat Choirs) 3times.


Were mo! Werem, werem ma ni Ihe di gi ma.....Eyen won gi owemo, Nna oh! Werem ma ni Ihe di gi ma.

(Repeat- 2times)

Use me Lord! Use me for your glory..... I give myself to you, use me for your glory..... Glory!

(Repeat 2times)


(I cry) oh....oh oh, oh oh, oh oh oh oh Jesus, I want to know you more!

(Repeat - 4times)


Jesus! (set my heart on fire for you) Lover, lover of my soul hu hu....see oh! Oh oh oh! I want to know you more!
(let me live Your days oh Lord oh)
Je-su-s! Lover- of my- soul! Oh oh oh oh! Oh oh oh oh, Let me touch your heart!!

Speaking in tongues!!

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